Submit Visual Kei Info to

Are you a fan of Visual Kei music? Do you know a lot about certain Visual Kei bands or Visual Kei fashion brands or some other element of the Visual Kei scene? Well, you are exactly the type of person we are looking for here at!

Our goal is to create the most complete online resource for Visual Kei music anywhere in the world. We want to bring together all of the fans of Visual Kei in one place and create a site where VK newbies and those who've been in the scene for years can both visit and share info, talk about current VK happenings, keep track of the newest bands, and make friends while doing it.

We are working on some new features for the site to make it easier for everyone to add their info and share their knowledge of VK. To start with, for now, all of the articles are being added to the Virtual Japan database and then being shared here. If you would like to help contribute to, please make a free account at Virtual Japan so that you can add articles to the Wiki. Once the articles are added to the Virtual Japan wiki, then they will be added to When you register at, you are also registered at, where we are sharing the forum.

We are currently using the same software as Wikipedia for our wiki, so you if you know how to add articles to Wikipedia, it's exactly the same to add them to So, here is the info on how to get started:

Register Here:

Add Articles Here: Virtual Japan Wiki

Note #1: When you add a new article about a VK band or clothing brand or artist, please make sure to add a category of "Visual Kei Band" or "Visual Kei Clothing" or something like that, so we know to add the articles to If you don't add a category to your article that has the phrase "Visual Kei" in it, we might not find the article to add it to this site!

Note #2: Please do not copy articles from other sites and paste them into the wiki. If you do, then the other site will be mad at us and they will make us take it down. You need to write your own article for the site, not just copy. You can use other sites to get info, but the actual article cannot be copied directly from another site. We respect other website's copyrights, so we don't want to steal articles. We want to create our own articles!